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"We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us"
(Romans 8:37)

Kids will “start their engines” in a high-octane racing event complete with pit crews, race cars, and fun at the track. Get ready for a supercharged race through Elijah’s life, where students see that God’s team wins in the end. No challenge is a match for Him, the all-powerful champion!

Bible Content

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Ready to Race: God Prepares Us


    1 Kings 17:1–6 (At the Brook Cherith)


    God provides for our needs as He prepares us to serve Him.


    “It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).


    I will thank God for preparing me to serve Him.

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Communication: God Guides Us


    1 Kings 17:7–24 (In Zarephath)


    God guides us through His Word and prayer.


    “Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day” (Psalm 25:5).


    I will listen to God’s Word and talk to Him.

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Showdown: God Empowers Us


    1 Kings 18:17–46 (On Mount Carmel)


    God empowers us as we put our faith in Him.


    “We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37).


    I will choose to be on God’s winning team.

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Pit Stop: God Refuels Us


    1 Kings 19:1–18 (On the Run from Jezebel)


    God renews us when we become discouraged.


    “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).


    I will go to God to get back on track.

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Racing Team: God Invites New Racers


    2 Kings 2:1–15 (With Elisha)


    God wants us to invite others to join His team.


    “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).


    I will ask others to join God’s team.


The Evangelistic VBS

Empower your entire VBS team to share the salvation message!

With RBP VBS, no teacher ever has to be without a copy of the salvation message. RBP VBS is a fully integrated, gospel-centered program that weaves the salvation message into each lesson! Our programs are built around a solid theological framework and motivated by a desire to teach Bible truths using age-appropriate methods. VBS could be your biggest evangelistic outreach event of the year! Choose a program rich in content and evangelism, and maximize your impact.


Endorsed by the largest evangelistic outreach ministry to children.

Customers know that we truly are the evangelistic VBS—and have been since we started back in 1972. Even the world's largest evangelistic outreach ministry to children has recognized this! RBP is the only VBS publisher recommended by CEF®! Find out why at

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VBS 2025 Intro Kit

VBS 2025 Intro Kit

Director Materials

  • Director Guide
  • VBS Resources Download
  • Thank-You Card

Classroom Materials

  • Teacher Books
      (Pre-Primary, Primary, & Junior)
  • Student Activity Sheets
      (Pre-Primary, Primary, & Junior)
  • Youth & Adult Bible Study
  •   Driven: Running with Full-Throttle Faith
  • Magnetic Bible Truth


  • Salvation Poster
  • Gospel Bookmark
  • Salvation Tract
  •   Wow! Guess What Happened to Me!
  • New Believers Resource
  •   Welcome to the Family!


  • Rocket Racers Worship Videos Download
  • Rocket Racers Songbook Download


  • Rocket Racers Decorating Ideas Book


  • Theme Poster
  • Theme Invitation Flyer
  • Theme Doorknob Hanger
  • Theme Postcard
  • Theme Bulletin Cover


  • Rocket Racers Craft Ideas Book
  • Paper Racer Craft Kit


  • Attendance Chart
  • Nametags
  • Rocket Racers Pass & Sticker Sheet


  • Missions Project Poster
  • Digital Resources Download
  • Missions Video Download

Gifts & Awards

  • Rocket Racers Bag
  • Rocket Racers Pouch
  • Rocket Racers Pencil
  • Theme Button
  • Theme Balloon
  • Theme Sticker
  • Rocket Racer Wristband
  • White-Knuckle Stress Reliever

Promo Video Downloads

  • VBS Promotion 1
  • VBS Promotion 2
  • Missions Project


  • Order Form
Order Now
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Lots of
decorating options!

We know that decorating is a key factor in the choice of a VBS program. Our director guide, brand new Decorating Ideas Book, and decorating resources download help directors imagine what Rocket Racers can look like at their churches. We provide decorating ideas that any church can do on its own, and we offer more decorating items in our catalog.

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Music & Puppets


Rocket Racers

Listen to Piano
Listen to Piano
Listen to Band
Listen to Band

God's Team Wins the Race

Listen to Piano
Listen to Piano
Listen to Band
Listen to Band

More than Conquerors

Listen to Piano
Listen to Piano
Listen to Band
Listen to Band


Listen to Piano
Listen to Piano
Listen to Band
Listen to Band

O God, My Joy

Listen to Piano
Listen to Piano
Listen to Band
Listen to Band

God Is Our Strength and Refuge (Psalm 46)

Listen to Piano
Listen to Piano
Listen to Band
Listen to Band

The Best Place

Listen to Piano
Listen to Piano
Listen to Band
Listen to Band

Puppet Script—Spark Plug: Welcome to Rocket Racers

Listen to Script
Listen to Script

Puppet Script—Drivers in Training (Group Skit)

Listen to Script
Listen to Script

Missions Project

Building Bridges: Sharing God’s Love with Refugees

For people in America, it’s hard to imagine what living in Afghanistan is like. After Afghanistan’s Taliban takeover in 2021, children were in constant danger, so many families fled to the US. Many of these refugees came to Clarkston, Georgia. They are grateful for safety and a new start—and for education.

In Afghanistan, education opportunities are scarce, and girls are allowed to go to school only up to age 12. These children’s parents highly value education and are thankful for schools in the US. But many of these refugee families live in poverty, so they can’t purchase school supplies and other necessities that children need.

These refugee families also need the hope and love of Jesus. Most of these families know nothing about Jesus. One girl said she didn’t even realize there were religions other than Islam before she came to America!

Enter a golden opportunity to reach Afghans for Christ! By helping Afghan children in Clarkston get school supplies they need, relationships are created, building bridges to families’ hearts. When a relationship is formed, people are often willing to consider the gospel.

Every $150 could provide
    •    high-quality backpacks for four refugee children,
    •    other school supplies for refugee children,
    •    and opportunities to share the message of God’s limitless love!

When you make Building Bridges: Sharing God’s Love with Refugees your VBS missions project, Afghan children and parents will see God’s love in action and discover the good news of Jesus!

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Order Your Kit Today!